Ration Balancing Programme (RBP)

Ration Balancing Program is a service provided by us which tackles malnutrition in cattle. The program focuses on designing a diet accounting for the nutrition required by the cattle and the nutritional value provided by these ingredients which are available in a regular farming household. It is a proven fact that poor feeding practices results in imbalanced nutrition for cattle which results in lesser overall productivity of cattle. This problem is tackled by Ration Balancing Program; this program provides the farmer with the opportunity of creating a customized balanced diet for their every individual cattle. The process starts with taking measurements and other information about life stage and pregnancy stage of cattle. The data is then entered in a software which takes into account all the available feed with farmers, which generates a report of amount of a particular feed and nutrition provided by that component of feed. This report is given to the farmer who can now effectively and efficiently feed his cattle with visual results. The RBP once done is regularly monitored by facilitator who visits the cattle under RBP every month and changes are suggested if required after updating the measurements of the cattle.

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